Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

Shape Your Style

The longer you `ve been in your bindings the better you board or ski... thats a fact!! So most of the peopel whoe love the feeling of getting smothered in fresh, christall clear, cold powder are eager on doing tricks and landing thoes in the beloved cloud of exploding powder when stomping the trick in the landing zone...... Before we give you an aproximate lesson on how to do rails, flipps, airails and all the other stuff the base for doing thoes is needed.

Lets go and shape that kick!!!

In order to do so the main aspect is the right spot. It should be on a hillside which is steep enough for the inrun, has a sort of tiny flat-part following a nother steep part.

Check for:
Is there enough powder in the landing?
Is the landing zone free of obstacles?
Is the inrun to the kicker too kincked?(this could lead to a heavy compression leaving you out of controll)

Plan the plan:
Befor building the ultimate adrenaline kicker you should be dacor on the hight of the obstacle and how big and far you wanna go. If the landing is quite flat, plan a kicker with less top peak as you dont wanna hit a flat landing from a 5 m free fall (it`ll eventually break your legs), instead you wanna go far which is the basic for good spinns. Opposit counts for steep landings here you can combine the distance of the jump with a good hight, steep landings give you the opportunity of going biiiiiiiig!!!!

Depending on the snow conditions there are divers construction strategies. If the snow is kinda wet the easiest way is to roll up big snowballs, as you would do in order to build a snow man. Bring thoes in shape of a kicker and fill up the emty spots with snow. Then start shaping the peak of the obstacle. If the snow has the cosistency of powder, use your boards and skis to build a casing, fill it up with snow, then use one board to jump on top, whilest the others keep the casing tight. This will compress the snow and the kicker won`t collaps when you hit you first airail...
The kicker should be at least as wied as a board is long, in order to do some nice spins and flips.

Fine tuning:
Building the inrun is another imortant aspect. As we said befor a shitty inrun could lead to bad injuries!! Usually the best way is to pull the snow aprox. 7m infrot of the kicker of the surface; this snow could be used to correct unevenesses in the inrun, also it will even out the inrun too.
Last but not least you gotta decal the kicker; run up the kicker and use your boards to plane down the kicker, whatch out that all dents are fully filled.

All set!!!

Go big and wip that tail !!!!!

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