Montag, 26. Mai 2008

Backyard Playground

Hi Everyone ... Well long time no texting .... we got to appolpgise for that but in our opinion we had good reason why everything became quite aroud Chillis-Stoked. Having cleand up the snow in the mountains after a wounderfull winter with amazing freeriding, filming and photography days all over Austria, Swisserland and Italy the crew started to discend the mountains returing to the flatlands training for the first snowflakes to come in six month. Untill then we`re back on track but this time we use them smaller wooden decks with weehls and them cycles called BMX.
So... the reason behind the blogstop for the last two month was the problem of finding a good, peacfull and challenging spot for our trainings session... well acctually thats not the real reason. The reason why, emerged during a beer and pizza session in our editing studio, formaly known as Dave`s livingroom.
What we realy needed was a place where there are no wheather conditions, kids or traveling distances retraining us from shredding. What we realy needed was an indoor playground...
That was it, the idea of the Backyard Playground was born. It didnt take very long untill we had the best Spot in the history of indoor skating.
It should all take place in a 200 m2 big demolition house. After long hours on the phone and at the desktop we had a rough plan on how it all should be and what the money factor would say. CASH having the roots as a locksmith started to emerged as a joiner and soon the drwaings in our heads begun to take shape on hundrets of sheets of papers covering CASH`s beddroom floor.
25 Pizza -boxes had to go underneath his door untill CASH came out of his room with the final constructional drawings in his hands......
He constructed a hole line which should go trough 3 rooms, the terace and eventually the 300 m2 garden... it was mad, it was beautifull, it was fantastic, it was sik, it was...... just what we wanted!!!!
Having an idea, is the easiest thing in the world, putingn it on paper and planing it through is not much harder, but acctually relize it is sometimes harder than anyone can imagine....
The first and still existing problem that emerged is the huge amount of plywood which is needed to build all the obstacles. Well acctually the amount is not the problem but the price is.. After countless hours of riding through the city begging on every construction site for some wood, sitting on the phone and the notebook, checking for the cheapest way to get 100m2 of plywood... we finaly got 25 m2 for a reasonable price .... but still leaving us open with another 75 m2....

Still though we could begin building the frame of the backyard-park... and soon we begun to see what potetial was hiding in our little "Villa"......

How everything was set up, what diffictulies emerged, which injuries took place and how the first tries went, will all be blogged in the next days......


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